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When all you have is a body of jumbled information, and you really need a logical, easy to understand, no nonsense, document, that conveys the essential facts and information about you or your business, this is the person you would want to use.
He will extract or gather the essential information, and compile a document that clearly conveys the features and or benefits of the different components to the reader. And if the purpose of the published document is to motivate readers to acquire a product or service, referred to in the document, you can be assured that the call to action will form part of the document he compiles.
People have different skills, and composing text, for media publication, may not be part of your skill set. So contact us and use the available skills to get the information regarding your business, your skills and expertise or your products, into the public domain.
Your business needs to be visible to those who may need whatever it is that you have to offer. We provide innovative, cost effective, dynamic, solutions to help you grow your business.

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I’m in love with the power of words. As a child I’d take my magical sword to the enemy, my heart to the maiden and my hungry mind to a thousand worlds on offer. Words taught and entertained. Matric found me winning the English prize but despite having thought I’d be the adventuring journalist uncovering insidious plots by evil politicians, my journey of discovery was only beginning.

Where I’m now finds me as a freelance, music agent whose words often market bands and events, writing biographies, press releases and web content. I own several websites and it’s there where i write creatively for myself (blog, poetry) and the music industry (CD reviews, band interviews etc.).

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The Mars Room

I enjoyed this book by Rachel Kushner. She has a contemporary style of writing that is both honest as well as engaging.

Rachel Kushner The Mars Room

The Mars Room is a strip Club and the story is an account of what it is like to be poor and a female and to be serving two life sentences in a correctional facility in America. Raw earthy and at times brutal. Worth reading, albeit in small chunks.

It is not one of those books you can’t put down.

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The Watercycler

creative witers, web content writers. copywriters

Watercycler is my alter ego I suppose.

He is an adventurous bike riding river swimming rock climbing (but only under protest when trying to keep up with even more adventurous friends) guy who had the misfortune to have been raised by book burrowing English teachers. So he’s not really an alter ego at all, he’s me. Nice name, I like it, think I’ll keep it.

Watercycler will write copy of any description. From hyperbole filled flare to critical pieces and more explanatory brochures.

Need a few thousand words on topics as diverse as agriculture, conservation, fine dining, art, philosophy, physiology, or how tea tastes and why you should put thyme on your eggs?

Watercycler can help you.

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We the Survivors

Written by Tash Aw, We The Survivors is as good a read as any I have found.
We the Survivors Tash Aw
He has a comfortable, easy style and his narrative about nothing much, held my attention, despite everything it was not. If there was a theme it was grinding poverty and the futility of trying to change things that remain the same. Life inevitably returning to where it begins.