Another well written, pretentious, boring literary masterpiece.
According to Google Nikki Ridley is the only journalist and ghost writer on the Garden Route which for “a nook of the country that offers inspiration to the writers and artists whose presence gives it a trendy flavour”, this is a pretty poor showing. But at the same time it should be seen as both a challenge as well as an opportunity.
A challenge that took me all of three weeks to get this site to rank alongside hers and an opportunity to add some real value to what I have started. It’s not difficult to do. To the contrary anyone could do the same with little or no training.
And this brings me to the point of this post. What is it that is stopping us from making use of these sort of tools to open doors into the global market place? What is stopping us from setting up and and growing a local cottage based industry that is not driven by the erratic and unpredictable tourist traffic everyone sits back waiting for? And this is a direct challenge to every single one of those would be ghost writers to change the way it appears not to be.
We are looking for a newspaper that will be kind enough to mentor us. To track and record our little successes and more often than hoped for, failures. We are looking for writers who will let us have short sharp monthly features of two hundred words or less in return for us promoting and marketing their sites and or services. We want to build a workshop for emerging writers that does really work and it can be done if enough people have enough reasons to make it happen.
A novel based on the true story of Spinalonga, a leper colony established on an island off the coast of Crete.
The book is salvaged from deteriorating into a tiresomely predictable love story by the account of life on the island in the leper colony. That struggle between adversity and the emergence of the human spirit.
Lost me very quickly. Tries far too hard to be that voice of the modern Chinese American teenager. Found it contrived, coarse and abrasive. Not the slightest bit stimulating. Simply irritating.
“[Jenny Zhang’s] coming-of-age tales are coarse and funny, sweet and sour, told in language that’s rough-hewn yet pulsating with energy.”—USA Today
“One of the knockout fiction debuts of the year.”—New York
“Compelling writing about what it means to be a teenager . . . It’s brilliant, it’s dark, but it’s also humorous and filled with love.”—Isaac Fitzgerald, Today
Afraid I don’t get it.
Need to rethink this 30/04/2020
Something went wrong with this one. So much so one can’t help questioning whether it is the same author.
I would question whether Red Notice by Andy McNab was in fact written by Andy McNab. It is a new series which lacks the authenticity of the earlier books I have read. He mangles the dialogue horribly when trying to introduce the complexities of an emotional relationship. It has a clumsy story line and I suspect these books are being churned out as quickly as possible to capitalise on the writers previous success.
The only reference I could find to or quote from this anthology was a essay on street kids on Changemakers